Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New news is better than nude news

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
New news in the journey from Lubbock to Chicago. And all good, actually. I believe an update is in order!


It has been a few weeks, but a lot has actually happened to make my move more official and a happier experience.

1) Finally broke the news to my parents. Well, technically my mother, who then in turn told my family. My mom just happened to be in Lubbock for a night, so I figured that was the best time to break it to her. I was nervous as holy hell. I've never been further than a 2 hour drive away from them. And I honestly didn't know how she would take the news. Would she cry? Outright refuse to help? Throw Pad Thai noodles at me (My mother doesn't carry around noodles in her purse. We were at an Asian restaurant.)? And my family is very WASP-ish, minus the whole rich thing. We bury our heads into the ground when dealing with any major issue, or we discuss it once and pretend like it never happened.

Anyways, to summarize: I was concerned. So, we went and had dinner, and I brought up my plan (to be discussed later in this post) as I sat cringing, waiting for her response. Surprisingly, she took it well. She asked me those general mom questions that deal with me not turning to crack as soon as I leave her nest. Then she was very positive about it, offering me advice for moving. Later in the week, my dad sent me texts about it that were also very supportive.

All in all, the family reacted better than I could have hoped. The hard part was over.

Number B) To make this period of change in my life even more awesomer, I was offered an acting gig in Dallas that fit perfectly in my kind of schedule plan (hold you horses, I"m getting to it). A friend of mine wants to do a show and asked me to do it for her. A chance to act as a lead in a badass play with a badass director in a badass city?


So, hopefully that will come to fruition. I need to act again. I've missed it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay hard.

And, finally, letter 12323) ....The Plan!

I actually sort of have a plan.

I have dates now for how the next 3 months are going to go. Now, nothing is truly official, except the date that I"m leaving Lubbock. Because my lease is up, and I would prefer not to be a squatter (at least in Lubbock. I'd be ok with being a NYC squatter). So, the plan as of right now:

Leaving Lubbock April 29
Midland for 2ish weeks
DFW for most of May, beginning of June
Leave for Chicago mid-Juneish

A lot of it is ish-dates as of right now. It'll depend on the show. I don't necessarily have to be in Chicago by a certain date. I just want to get there soon and start. I feel like it's this Chapter 2 to my life that I need to begin. I have a shitton of stuff I have to get done here before I can ever think abut moving (like a show, lol), but I'm motivated to because I have a final goal. I have dates. I have plans. It's exciting!

Thus begins my last couple of weeks in Lubbock (39 days, if we are being exact). It's scary. I'm about to leave everything that I know and am comfortable with for a city in which I know 2 people and 1 English bulldog. But, I've got a whole lot of goals and dreams and plans and moxie. I'm ready for it. At least I hope so.  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Here goes nothing

Thursday, March 1, 2012
For those who are just tuning in, who have followed my poor excuses for blogs before, or just randomly found this little ditty of a website, I would like to say, "Hello!"

Ah, it's good to be back in the bloggersphere.

Now, since this is my blogety blog, I figure I should provide some back story as to why I'm doing all of this. So, here goes.... My name is Christina. I live (as of right now) in Lubbock, Texas, the windy city of the south and home to some of the biggest haboobies (heh) ever to grace the Earth (I don't know if that's true, but it sounds shmancy). I am currently working at a hotel establishment in town while I try to find bits and pieces of acting gigs to do on the side.

Oh, yeah, by the way, I am an actor.

I'll let the faint waft of judgment settle in.

Yes, I'm an actor. I have a degree in Theatre (super bachelor's degree!). I have been out of school for almost a year this coming May.

Now, Interneter, you might be asking yourself, "Hmph, why is she still in Podunk Texas? Why hasn't she moved away or moved back home? Why are my pants wet? Rabble rabble rabble?"

Welp, those are very excellent questions. I decided to stay here after I graduated in hopes of working to save up some moolah, doing more theatre, and just chillaxing with my friends. Also, in the back of my mind, I was also hoping for a small epiphany to occur that would show me what the hell happens next. Because, let me tell you, I was not prepared for the push off the cliff that college so heartily gave me after graduation. So, for many reasons, I stayed in Lubbock to sort of figure out my life.

And then, one of those random happenstances occurred that sort of flipped everything on its head. For me, that happenstance was an impromptu trip to Chicago. A couple of my friends and I sort of just went to Chicago over the winter break to surprise a friend of ours. And during that trip, the epiphany I was hoping for hit me, out of nowhere.


I remember the exact moment. We were all in Millennium Park. The sun had just set and all of the Christmas lights in the park turned on. The buildings were lit up with some Christmas lights. I have a picture of that moment too!

Yeah, I never stood a chance. At that moment, Chicago was Antonio Banderas in "Zorro", and I was that one bitch who just had her shirt ruined by his sword. I took in the city, fell in love, and decided right then that I wanted to move to Chicago. I had talked about possibly doing it, but after that moment, I just knew.

So, from that moment, and from that trip, I've been working towards moving to Chicago. I went back a month later to audition for grad schools, but nothing really panned out. I had some interesting prospects, but nothing that really stood out to be a formidable opponent to the wonder that is Chicago. Also, my family isn't too keen about me moving that far away. I've lived in West Texas my ENTIRE LIFE!!! This has been my view for 23 years:
I think I saw a...oh, nope, it was nothing except FUCKING FLATNESS EVERYWHERE!
I have a couple of obstacles that I still need to tackle. I haven't told my parents yet, officially. I'm waiting one or two more weeks before I break the news to them. I already have plans for this summer. Nothing official yet, still in the planning stages, but it's developing. Constantly developing, and that's all that matters. I've been dicking around Lubbock for a year, not really accomplishing a lot. I've had some good times, but I haven't been successful in the theatrical part of my life. Not any more. I want to take action. Follow my dreams and shit!

So, coming back full circle, this blog is here for my ramblings about my journey to Chicago. I want to update about leaving Lubbock, moving to Chicago, and transitioning into the acting world there. I'll probably rambling a lot about nothing. I tend to do that. I'm hoping this blog will be a way to stay connected with my friends so they don't have to Facebook stalk me to find out what's going on. And, while I do have a habit of "hitting and quitting" blogs, I will try with all my might to keep this one going.

Oh, and I decided this will be a mainly friends and passers-by blog, because I tend to curse quite a bit. If you don't feel comfortable with that, well you can another website. :)

Fuck you Ms. Johnson! WORD!

Anyways...I digress. So, ta da! This is it! My blogety blog! I won't be updating for a while. At least not until moving becomes official or the moving date arrives without me realizing. BUT, know that I am excited...and anxious....and terrified...and batshit crazy about this! I hope you keep reading, because this journey will be fun. From one windy city to another. I feel like my life is finally about to begin.

So, here goes nothing :)
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